
The figure is produced through linking the points. Therefore, in order to produce the figure, we first need to grap the axis of each point. In MATLAB, we can produce figures with two or three dimensions.

Plot with two dimensions

In Matlab, we use plot, ezplot and fplot function to produce two dimensional plot.


Produce the figure for using red line and produce the figure for using green dash line.

x = linspace(0, 2 * pi, 30);
      y = sin(x);
      z = cos(x);
      plot(x, y, 'r', x, z, 'g--')


Produce the figure for with interval of [0, pi] using ezplot

ezplot('sin(x)', [0, pi])

ezplot can also be used to produce figure for parametric equation and implicit function. For example, produce figure for parametric equation and with the interval of

ezplot('cos(t)^3', 'sin(t)^3', [0, 2*pi])

Produce figure for implicit function with the interval of and

ezplot('exp(x)-sin(x*y)', [-3, -1.5, 1, 3])


fplot('fun', lims) can be used to draw the figure in the interval lims=[xmin, xmax]. fun must be the name of the m file. fplot can not be used to produce figures for parametric equation and implicit function, but it can do multiple plotting.

Produce a figure for with the interval of .

Open a new Matlab script fun.m and type the following;

function Y = fun(x)
      Y = exp(2 * x) - sin(2 * x)
flot('fun', [1, 3])

Plot with three dimensions

plot3(X, Y, Z), surf(X, Y, Z) and Mesh(X, Y, Z) create a three-dimensional surface plot. The difference among them is: plot3(X, Y, Z) is a line plot; the figure produced by surf(X, Y, Z) has solid edge colors and solid face colors and the figure produced by surf(X, Y, Z) has solid edge colors and no face colors.

plot3(x, y, z, s)

Produce the figure for the parametric equation x=sin(t), y=cos(t) and z=t with interval [0, 10*pi].

t = 0: pi/50 : 10*pi;
      plot3(sin(t), cos(t), t)

surf(x, y, z)

Produce figure for within the interval of and .

x = -3: 0.1 :3;
      y = 1: 0.1 :5;
      [X, Y] = meshgrid(x, y) % Produce a matrix for x and y
      Z = (X + Y).^2
      surf(X, Y, Z)
      shading flat

Mesh(x, y, z)

x = -3: 0.1 :3;
      y = 1: 0.1 :5;
      [X, Y] = meshgrid(x, y) % Produce a matrix for x and y
      Z = (X + Y).^2
      mesh(X, Y, Z)

Plot processing

Notations and control of axis

After producing the figure, you may need to note the figure.

Command Meaning
xlabel(string) Name the x axis
ylabel(string) Name the y axis
xlabel(string) Name the x axis
zlabel(string) Name the z axis
title(string) Add the title on the top of the figure

To control the axis, we can use the following commands

Command Meaning Command Meaning
axis auto Set MATLAB to its default behavior of computing the current axes' limits automatically axis manual Freeze the scaling at the current limit
axis image Same as axis equal except that the plot box fits tightly around the data axis off Turn off all axis lines, tick marks, and labels
axis on Turn on all axis lines, tick marks, and labels axis normal Utomatically adjust the aspect ratio of the axes
axis ij Place the coordinate system origin in the upper-left corner axis xy Draw the graph in the default Cartesian axes format with the coordinate system origin in the lower-left corner
Axis(xmin xmax ymin ymax zmin zmax) % set the minium and maxium value for x, y and z axis
      Axis auto % set the value of axis as default
      Here is an example to control the axis for the plot of cos(1/x):
      x = linspace(0.0001, 0.01, 1000)
      y = cos(1 ./ x)
      plot(x, y)
      axis([0.005 0.01, -1 1])

Combine figures

We sometimes need to combien different figures together. To do this, we use commands hold on and hold off. hold on retains plots in the current axes so that new plots added to the axes do not delete existing plots. hold off sets the hold state to off so that new plots added to the axes clear existing plots and reset all axes properties.

x = linspace(-pi,pi);
      y1 = sin(x);
      hold on;
      y2 = cos(x);
      hold off
      y3 = sin(2*x);

The style of line and color

We can also change the line into different styles and colors.

The stype of line
Sign `-` `:` `-.` `--`
Meaning Solid line Dotted line Dash-dot line Dashed line
The color of line
Sign `b` `g` `r` `c` `m` `y` `k` `w`
Meaning Blue Green Red Cyan Magenta Yellow Black White
The style of dot
Command Meaning Command Meaning
`.` Point `d` Diamond
`_` Line `h` Six-pointed star (hexagram)
`*` Asterisk `o` Circle
`^` Upward-pointing triangle `p` Five-pointed star (pentagram)
`<` Left-pointing triangle `+` Plus sign
`>` Right-pointing triangle `x` Cross
`v` Downward-pointing triangle `s` Square

Grid, box and legend

grid is for displaying or hiding axes grid lines. box is for displaying or hiding axes outline. legend is for adding legend to axes.

grid on 
      % displays the major grid lines for the current axes or chart
      grid off
      % removes all grid lines from the current axes or chart
      box on
      % displays the box outline around the current axes by setting their Box property to 'on'
      box off
      % removes the box outline around the current axes by setting their Box property to 'off'
      legend('string1', 'string2',...)

Here is an example to show how the legend can be added to the plot of two functions.

x = linspace(-pi, pi, 20)
      plot(x, cos(x), 'rd', x, sin(x), '-.b')
      legend('cos^2(x)', 'asin(x)')


subplot(m,n,p) divides the current figure into an m-by-n grid and creates axes in the position specified by p. MATLABĀ® numbers subplot positions by row. The first subplot is the first column of the first row, the second subplot is the second column of the first row, and so on. If axes exist in the specified position, then this command makes the axes the current axes.

Here is an example to show how four ovals can be produced in one figure.

      t = 0:2*pi/99:2*pi;
      x=1.15*cos(t); y=3.25*sin(t);
      subplot(2,2,1); plot(x, y);
      axis off
      title('axis off');
      subplot(2,2,2); plot(x,y);
      axis image;
      title('axis image');
      subplot(2,2,3); plot(x,y);
      axis equal;
      title('axis Equal');
      subplot(2,2,4); plot(x,y);
      axis square;
      title('axis Square');

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